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The correct Answer is:N/a

First inequation : 2x+y6
Corresponding equation : 2x+y=6
It cuts the X-axis at A(3, 0) and Y-axis at B (0, 6). Join AB. At point (0, 0), from the inequation, 06 (False)
Solution of this inequation is that region of XY-plane divided by line AB in which (0, 0) does not lie.
Second inequation : 3x+4y12
Correstion equation : 3x+4y=12
It cuts the X-axis at C(4, 0) and Y-axis at D (0, 3). Join CD.
At point (0, 0) , from the inequation, 012(True)
The solution of this inequation is that region of XY-plane divided by line CD in which (0, 0) lies.
The common solution of two inequation is shwon by the shaded part.
