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Chandrayaan 2 Lunar Landing Communication with Lander Vikram Lost

Chandrayaan 2 was all set for a soft landing on Moon’s “Completely Unexplored” South Pole. Lander Vikram was scheduled for a powered-descent between 1:00 a.m. and 2:00 a.m. on September 7th, followed by the rollout of rover Pragyan between 5.30 a.m. and 6.30 a.m. However, unfortunately, communication has been lost with the Vikram lander as it was at an altitude of about 2 km. Around 2.16 a.m. ISRO is yet to hear from Vikram. What we know so far is "Vikram lander's descent was planned and the descent was normal till 2.1 km altitude above the lunar surface. After this, the communication link between the lander and the ground station was lost. “ISRO is currently analyzing the data," announced the ISRO chairman. ISRO is yet to confirm the status of the mission.

Amid a sea of tense faces at the ISRO command center, Honourable Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi encouraged the scientists by lauding their efforts and asking them to be courageous. PM Modi said “There are ups and downs in life. This is not a small achievement. The nation is proud of you. Let us hope for the best. I congratulate you. You all have done a great service to the nation, science, and mankind. I am with you all the way, move forward bravely”.

The landing of Vikram was live streaming online on Doordarshan, webcast on ISRO website and various other channels.

Here is a rundown on Chandrayaan-2 Mission Profile so far

Chandrayaan-2 is India’s 2nd mission to the moon. The goals of the mission include to observe and examine the lunar surface samples and to learn about the origin and evolution of the Moon. Also, Chandrayaan-2 aims to test the soft landing capabilities of Lander Vikram as well as the semi-autonomous movement of the Rover Pragyaan. The mission has fostered the creation of many new indigenous technologies that’ll allow ISRO to take its lunar studies to the next level.

Chandrayaan-2 had lifted off from India's spaceport at Sriharikota in Andhra Pradesh on July 22, 2019, at 9.13 UT. It was launched on the Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle (GSLV) Mk III, nicknamed as ‘Fatboy’ by ISRO and ‘Baahubali’ by media. About $140 million was spent on preparations of the mission. It is a much smaller price tag contrasted to similar maneuvers by other nations.

The lander-orbiter pair went into an initial elliptical (170 x 40400 km altitude) Earth parking orbit. It is followed by a trans-lunar injection on 14th August. The pair gloriously entered lunar polar orbit on 20 August. On 2nd September, ISRO directed the successful separation of lander and orbiter. The orbiter progresses into a 100 km altitude circular polar orbit. The Vikram lander will maneuver into a 30 x 100-kilometer orbit before soft-landing on the surface. Vikram will land in the high latitude areas near the South Pole, in the middle of two craters, Manzinus C and Simpelius N, on 7th September between about 1:30 and 2:30 a.m. The orbiter portion of the Chandrayaan-2 mission is planned to last approximately a year. The rover ‘Pragyaan’ will be deployed by means of a ramp briskly after landing. Both rover and lander have a life of one lunar day, i.e. equals 14 Earth days.

4-Phase Descent of Vikram

At, 1.44 a.m.-midnight, the descent operation of Vikram lander begun. At the height of 30 km, the four thrusters of Vikram has started the descent maneuver towards the moon surface. Next, 15 minutes will have the autonomous landing operation to finally begun the four-phase descent plan of Vikram.

  1. Rough breaking phase:  Around 10 minutes to reach 7.4 km
  2. Absolute navigation phase: It is the second phase in which Vikram is to reach around 5 km.
  3. Third phase: In this phase, the lander will reach above 400 meters above the lunar surface.
  4. Fourth Phase: Eventually, the lander will do a vertical touch down to first 100 meters, then 60 meters, and ultimately 10 meters before the final touch down on the lunar terrain. ISRO is yet to confirm the final touch down the process.

Spacecraft and its sub-systems

Chandrayaan-2 has three essential components, an orbiter, a lander, and a rover. The orbiter is a box-shaped craft. It has an orbital mass of 2379 kg and solar arrays capable of generating 1000 W power. It communicates directly with the Indian Deep Space Network (IDSN) and the lander ‘Vikram’. It is carrying various scientific payloads including – Visible terrain mapping camera, Neutral mass spectrometer, Synthetic aperture radar, Near-infrared spectrometer, Radio occultation experiment, Soft X-ray spectrometer, and solar X-ray monitor.

The lander is named 'Vikram' after father of the Indian space research program Dr. Vikram A Sarabhai. The lander has a mass of 1471 kg (together with the rover). It can generate 650 W of solar power and can communicate with the IDSN, the orbiter, and the rover. It is carrying a camera, seismometer, Langmuir probe, thermal profiler, and a NASA- contributed laser retro-reflector.

The rover, Pragyan (also Pragyaan, meaning ‘wisdom’ in Sanskrit), is a six-wheeled robotic vehicle. Pragyaan has a mass of 27 kg, and it runs on 50 W of solar power and can travel up to 500 m at a speed of 1 cm per second. It can communicate with the lander. Its job is to collect the info on the lunar surface and cover up to half a kilometer leveraging solar energy. Pragyaan his holding cameras, alpha-proton X-ray spectrometer, and a laser-induced ablation spectroscopy experiment.

Details on Scientific Payloads:

The Chandrayaan-2 has 13 payloads in total. Orbiter is carrying a total of eight payloads, three payloads in lander and two in the rover. Five payloads are from India, three from Europe, two from the US and one from Bulgaria.

This is the list of instruments on the orbiter, according to the Planetary Society:

  1. Terrain Mapping Camera 2 (TMC-2): It will map the lunar surface in three dimensions using two onboard cameras.
  2. Collimated Large Array Soft X-ray Spectrometer (CLASS): It will map the abundance of minerals on the surface.
  3. Solar X-ray Monitor (XSM): To look at emissions of solar X-rays.
  4. Chandra's Atmospheric Composition Explorer (ChACE-2): It is a neutral mass spectrometer.
  5. Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR): It will map the surface in radio waves.
  6. Imaging Infra-Red Spectrometer (IIRS): To measure the abundance of water/hydroxl on the surface.
  7. Orbiter High-Resolution Camera (OHRC): It will examine the surface, particularly the landing site of the lander and rover.

The lander's instruments include:

  1. Instrument for Lunar Seismic Activity (ILSA): To look for moonquakes.
  2. Chandra's Surface Thermophysical Experiment (ChaSTE): To examine the surface's thermal properties.
  3. Radio Anatomy of Moon Bound Hypersensitive ionosphere and Atmosphere (RAMBHA-Langmuir Probe): To look at plasma density on the surface.

The Rover’s instruments include The Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscope (LIBS) and the Alpha Particle X-Ray Spectrometer (APXS).

On the successful touchdown of lander Vikram, India would become the fourth country after the US, Russia, and China to have achieved such a feat. India would also become the first ever to explore the Moon's the South Pole. If India achieves this in its very first attempt, mission Chandrayaan-2 becomes even more special for ISRO scientists and Indians all across the world, given the fact that only 37% of all Moon landing endeavors have been successful so far in the past.

ISRO is yet to confirm the status of the mission.

Hi, I’m Aarti Chauhan

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