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HCF and LCM of fractions and decimal fractions

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To find the HCF (Highest Common Factor) and LCM (Lowest Common Multiple) of fractions and decimal fractions, we can follow these steps:

1. Understanding HCF and LCM of Fractions:
- The HCF of fractions is calculated using the formula:
HCF=HCF of numeratorsLCM of denominators
- The LCM of fractions is calculated using the formula:
LCM=LCM of numeratorsHCF of denominators

2. Convert Decimals to Fractions (if applicable):
- If you have decimal fractions, convert them into fractions. For example, to convert 0.75 into a fraction, you can write it as:
0.75=75100=34(after simplification)

3. Finding HCF and LCM of the Numerators:
- Calculate the HCF of the numerators of the fractions. For example, if you have fractions like 34 and 56, you find:
HCF of 3 and 5=1

4. Finding LCM of the Denominators:
- Calculate the LCM of the denominators. Continuing with our example:
LCM of 4 and 6=12

5. Calculating HCF of the Fractions:
- Now, substitute the values into the HCF formula:

6. Finding LCM of the Numerators:
- Calculate the LCM of the numerators:
LCM of 3 and 5=15

7. Finding HCF of the Denominators:
- Calculate the HCF of the denominators:
HCF of 4 and 6=2

8. Calculating LCM of the Fractions:
- Substitute the values into the LCM formula:

Final Results
- HCF of the fractions: 112
- LCM of the fractions: 152
