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Find three different irrational number between the rational numbers 5/7 and 9/11.

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To find three different irrational numbers between the rational numbers 57 and 911, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Convert the rational numbers to decimal form
First, we convert 57 and 911 into decimal form to understand their approximate values.


Step 2: Find the geometric mean
Next, we can find the geometric mean of 57 and 911 using the formula:

Geometric Mean=A×B

Where A=57 and B=911.

Calculating A×B:


Now, we find the square root:

Geometric Mean=4577=4577

Step 3: Check if 4577 is a perfect square
To ensure that 4577 is not a perfect square, we factor it:

- 45=32×5
- 77=7×11

Since the factors do not repeat sufficiently, 4577 is not a perfect square.

Step 4: Identify the first irrational number
Thus, the first irrational number we found is:


Step 5: Find two more irrational numbers
Now, we can find two more irrational numbers by taking the averages of the rational numbers and the first irrational number.

1. Average of 57 and x1:


2. Average of x1 and 911:


Step 6: Conclusion
Thus, the three different irrational numbers between 57 and 911 are:

1. x1=4577
2. x2=57+45772
3. x3=4577+9112
