Match the correct ionisation enthalpies and electron gain enthalpies of the following elements.ElementsΔ H1Δ H2Δeg Hi Most reactive non metalA.4193051– 48ii Most reactive metalB.16813374– 328iii Least reactive elementC.7381451– 40iv Metal forming binary halideD.23725251+ 48
Most reactive non metal = B Most reactive metal = A Least reactive element = D Metal forming binary halide = C
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Match the correct ionisation enthalpies and electron gain enthalpies of the following elements {:(,,"Elements",,,,DeltaH_(1),,DeltaH_(2),,Delta_(eg)H),((i),,"Most reactive non metal",,A.,,419,,3051,,-48),((ii),,"Most reactive metal",,B.,,1681,,3374,,-328),((iii),,"Least reactive element ",,C.,,738,,1451,,-40),((iv),,"Metal forming binary halide " ,,D.,,2372,,5251,,+48):}
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View SolutionThe first and second ionization enthalpies and electron gain enthalpy of some elements are as given below:
Which of these elements is the most reactive non-metal?
View SolutionThe first and second ionization enthalpies and electron gain enthalpy of some elements are as given below: Which of these elements is the most reactive non-metal?
View SolutionThe first and the second ionization enthalpies and the electron gain enthalpy of a few elements are given below :
Which of the above elements is likely to be :
(a) the least reactive element.
(b) the most reactive metal.
(c) the most reactive non-metal.
(d) the least reactive non-metal.
(e) the metal which can form a stable binary halide of the formula , (X = halogen).
(f) the metal which can form a predominantly stable covalent halide of the formula MX (X = halogen)?
View Solutionअधिकतम क्रियाशील तथा न्यूनतम क्रियाशील धातुओं के नाम बताएँ।
View SolutionThe first and second ionization enthalpies and electron gain enthalpy of some elements are as given below:
Which of these elements is the least reactive non-metal?
View SolutionThe first and second ionization enthalpies and electron gain enthalpy of some elements are as given below: Which of these elements is the least reactive non-metal?
View SolutionThe most reactive non metal
View SolutionThe most reactive non-metal
View SolutionStatement-1: Noble gases are least reactive Statement-2: They have high ionisation enthalpy and more positive electron gain enthalpy.
View Solutionद्वितीय आवर्त के तत्वों में से उस तत्व को चुनिए जिसकी /जो -
(i) इलेक्ट्रान लब्धि एन्थेलपी सर्वाधिक धनात्मक हो ।
(ii) इलेक्ट्रान लब्धि एन्थेलपी सर्वाधिक ऋणात्मक हो ।
(iii) परमाणु त्रिज्या सर्वाधिक हो ।
(iv) सर्वाधिक किर्याशील अधातु हो ।
(v) सर्वाधिक किर्याशील धातु हो ।
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What is the correct order of reactivity (most reactiveleast reactive) for these three metals ?
View Solutionकुछ तत्वों की प्रथम और द्वितीय आयनन एन्थैल्पी ( में) और इलेक्ट्रॉन लब्धि एन्थैल्पी ( में) निम्नलिखित है -
ऊपर दिए गए तत्वों में से कौन-सी
(क) सबसे कम अभिक्रियाशील धातु है ?
(ख) सबसे अधिक अभिक्रियाशील धातु है ?
(ग) सबसे अधिक अभिक्रियाशील अधातु है ?
(घ) सबसे कम अभिक्रियाशील अधातु है ?
(ड़) ऐसी धातु है, जो स्थायी द्विअंगी हैलाइड (binary halide), जिनका सूत्र (X = हैलोजन) है बनाता है |
(च) ऐसी धातु, जो मुख्यत: MX (X= हैलोजन) वाले स्थायी सहसंयोजी हैलाइड बनाती है |
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