Why does the writer call the two little girls "Dear little Souls"?
The two little girls Akoulya and Malasha indulge in quarel while playing in a puddle Akoulya wants to bear malasha for her wrong act. Malasha being frightened thinks to run to her house. Just then Akoulya.s mother heppens to some. Seeing Akoulya.s frock dirty by sprinkles of mud and knowing the fact she beats Malasha. People gather from both the sides, start shouting without listonning to other. AKoulya.s old grandmother acidetally comes to that place and tries to pacify them but does not succeed. All of a sudden the herself and goes back to the puddle. She begins to scrap away the earth in front of the puddle to make a channel, so that water may run into the street where the old woman is trying to pacify the crowd. Malasha also joins her (Akoulya) forgetting all her dispute. Seeing this the old lady becomes pleased and calls them, "Dear little Souls".
Therefore writer also calls them, "Dear little souls" to see their innocence.
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- बोर्ड परीक्षा 2019 (S ) में पूछे गए प्रश्न एवं उनके उत्तर BOOK - BIHAR BOARD- PREVIOUS YEAR PAPERCHAPTER - बोर्ड परीक्षा 2019 (S ) में पूछे गए प्रश्न एवं उनके उत्तर EXERCISE - SECTION - B (DESCRIPTIVE TYPE QUESTIONS)
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