अभिक्रिया में मुक्त ऊर्जा की गणना कीजिए। तथा के परमाणु द्रव्यमान क्रमशः 223.018 amu , 208 ,981 amu तथा 14.003 amu है।
Step by step video & image solution for अभिक्रिया .^(223)Ra to.^(209) Pb+.^(14)C में मुक्त ऊर्जा की गणना कीजिए। .^(223)Ra,.^(209)Pb तथा .^(14)C के परमाणु द्रव्यमान क्रमशः 223.018 amu , 208 ,981 amu तथा 14.003 amu है। by Physics experts to help you in doubts & scoring excellent marks in Class 12 exams.
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View Solutionअभिक्रिया Ra223→Pb209+C14 में मुक्त ऊर्जा की गणना कीजिए! R223,Pb209 तथा C14 का परमाणु द्रव्यमान क्रमश: 223.018 amu, 208,981 amu तथा 14.003 amu है!
View SolutionUnder certain circumstances, a nucleus can decay by emitting a particle more massive than an alpha - particle. Consider the following decay processes : ._(88)^(223)Ra to ._(82)^(209)Pb + ._(6)^(14)C ._(88)^(223)Ra to ._(86)^(219)Pb+ ._(2)^(4)He . Calculate the Q - value for these decays and determine that both are energetically allowed.
View Solutionनिम्नलिखित क्षय प्रक्रियाओं के लिए Q - मान की गणना करे तथा दर्शाएँ कि दोनों ही ऊर्जा की दृष्टि से संभव है |
(i) 22388Ra→20982Pb+146C+Q1
(ii) 22388Ra→21986Rn+42He+Q2
दिया गया है :
m(22388Ra)=223.01850u,<br> m ( ""_(82 ) ^( 209 ) Pb) = 208.98107u, <br>m(""_(86) ^( 219)Rn) = 219.00948 u,<br> m (""_6^14 C ) = 14.00324 u,<br> m (""_2^4 He ) = 4.00260 u.
View SolutionUnder certain circumstances, a nucleus can decay be emitting a particle more massive than an alpha - particle. Consider the following decay processes : ""_(88)^(223)Ra to ""_(82)^(209)Pb + ""_(6)^(14)C ""_(88)^(223)Ra to ""_(86)^(219)Rn + ""_(2)^(4)He Calculate the Q-values for these decays and determine that both are energetically allowed.
View SolutionUnder certain circumstances, a nucleus can decay by emitting a particle more massive than an a-particle. Consider the following decay processes: ""_(88)^(223)Ra to ""(82)^(209)Pb + ""_(6)^(14)C . ""_(88)^(223)Ra to ""_(86)^(219)Rn + ""_(2)^(4)He Calculate the Q-values for these decays and determine that both are energetically allowed.
View SolutionUnder certain circumstances, a nucleus can decay by emitting a particle more massive than an a-particle. Consider the following decay processes:
Calculate the Q-values for these decays and determine that both are energetically allowed.
View SolutionUnder certain circumstances, a nucleus can decay by emitting a particle more massive than an a-particle. Consider the following decay processes: ""_(88)^(223)Ra to ""(82)^(209)Pb + ""_(6)^(14)C . ""_(88)^(223)Ra to ""_(86)^(219)Rn + ""_(2)^(4)He Calculate the Q-values for these decays and determine that both are energetically allowed.
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