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Balanoglossus is a






non - chordate



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The correct Answer is:C

Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Identify Balanoglossus: Balanoglossus is a marine organism that resembles a worm. It is important to understand its basic characteristics to classify it correctly.

2. Historical Classification: Initially, Balanoglossus was classified under the group Hemichordata. This historical context is essential to understand its classification evolution.

3. Current Classification: Currently, Balanoglossus is placed under the non-chordate group. This change reflects advancements in our understanding of its anatomy and evolutionary relationships.

4. Reason for Non-Chordate Classification: The primary reason Balanoglossus is classified as a non-chordate is that it lacks a distinct notochord, which is a defining characteristic of chordates. Without this structure, it cannot be classified as a chordate.

5. Connecting Link: Despite being classified as a non-chordate, Balanoglossus serves as a connecting link between invertebrates and chordates due to its possession of both invertebrate and vertebrate characteristics.

6. Conclusion: Based on the above points, the answer to the question is that Balanoglossus is classified as a non-chordate.

Final Answer: Balanoglossus is a non-cordate animal.

