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Briefly explain the following terms:

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Step-by-Step Text Solution:

1. Definition of Fungi: Fungi are a kingdom of living organisms that are primarily multicellular eukaryotes, although some can be unicellular. They belong to the five kingdom system of classification, which includes Monera, Protista, Plantae, Animalia, and Fungi.

2. Cell Structure: Fungi are eukaryotic, meaning their cells have a nucleus and other organelles enclosed within membranes. This distinguishes them from prokaryotic organisms like bacteria.

3. Reproduction: Fungi primarily reproduce through asexual reproduction, which can occur via methods such as budding or spore formation. Some fungi can also reproduce sexually.

4. Nutrition: Fungi are heterotrophic organisms, which means they cannot produce their own food like plants do. Instead, they obtain nutrients by absorbing organic matter from their surroundings.

5. Motility: Fungi are non-motile, meaning they do not have the ability to move from one place to another on their own.

6. Chlorophyll: Fungi do not contain chlorophyll, the green pigment found in plants that is essential for photosynthesis. This is why fungi cannot make their own food and must rely on other organic sources.

7. Examples: Common examples of fungi include molds and mushrooms. Some fungi can also be pathogenic, meaning they can cause diseases in humans and other organisms, such as ringworm.
