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Cause of mimicry is


attack (Offence)


Protection (Defence)


both (1) and (2)



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Generated By DoubtnutGPT

The correct Answer is:C

Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding Mimicry: Mimicry is a biological phenomenon where an organism (the mimic) evolves to resemble another organism (the model) to gain some advantage. This resemblance can be in appearance, behavior, or sound.

2. Purpose of Mimicry: The primary causes of mimicry are related to survival strategies. Mimicry can serve two main purposes:
- Protection from Predators: Many organisms mimic the appearance of more dangerous or unpalatable species to avoid being eaten by predators. For example, a harmless butterfly may mimic the coloration of a toxic butterfly.
- Enhancing Predation: Some predators mimic the appearance of their prey or other organisms to ambush and catch their food more effectively. For instance, some anglerfish have lures that mimic the appearance of smaller fish or worms.

3. Analyzing the Options: The question provides several options regarding the cause of mimicry:
- Attack
- Protection
- Both attack and protection
- Isolation

4. Evaluating the Options:
- Attack: This is a valid reason as some organisms use mimicry to enhance their hunting strategies.
- Protection: This is also a valid reason as mimicry helps organisms avoid predation.
- Both Attack and Protection: Since mimicry serves both purposes, this option is correct.
- Isolation: This does not relate to the concept of mimicry and can be disregarded.

5. Conclusion: Based on the analysis, the correct answer is that the cause of mimicry is both attack and protection. Therefore, the right option is "Both 1 and 2".

Final Answer: The cause of mimicry is both attack and protection (Option 3).

