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The leaves of Touch-me-not plant droop down on slight touching .

Video Solution
Text Solution
Generated By DoubtnutGPT

Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding the Plant Response: The Touch-me-not plant, scientifically known as Mimosa pudica, exhibits a unique response to stimuli, specifically mechanical touch. When the leaves of this plant are touched, they droop down.

2. Identifying the Stimulus: The stimulus in this scenario is the slight touch applied to the leaves of the plant. This touch triggers a response in the plant.

3. Mechanism of Response: The drooping of the leaves is a result of a phenomenon known as nyctonastic movement, which is a type of movement in plants in response to external stimuli.

4. Role of the Pulvinus: At the base of each leaflet of the Touch-me-not plant, there is a specialized structure called the pulvinus. This structure plays a crucial role in the plant's response to touch.

5. Conversion of Stimulus: When the plant is touched, the mechanical stimulus is converted into an electrical signal. This electrical signal travels to the pulvinus.

6. Action of Motor Cells: The pulvinus contains motor cells that respond to the electrical signal. Upon receiving the signal, these motor cells expel water from their interior.

7. Change in Turgor Pressure: The expulsion of water from the motor cells leads to a change in turgor pressure within the pulvinus. Turgor pressure is the pressure of the cell contents against the cell wall, which is essential for maintaining the plant's structure.

8. Resulting Drooping: As the turgor pressure decreases due to the loss of water, the leaves droop down. This is a rapid response mechanism that allows the plant to react to potential threats or disturbances.

9. Conclusion: In summary, the drooping of the leaves in the Touch-me-not plant upon slight touching is primarily due to the differential turgor pressure in the motor cells of the pulvinus, which is triggered by the conversion of a mechanical stimulus into an electrical signal.
