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Dead red blood cells are broken down only in the liver.

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Step-by-Step Text Solution:

1. Understanding the Statement: The statement claims that dead red blood cells (RBCs) are broken down only in the liver.

2. Identifying the Organs Involved: The breakdown of red blood cells does not occur solely in the liver. It also takes place in another organ known as the spleen.

3. Process of Breakdown: When red blood cells are broken down, they are converted into two main components: iron and bilirubin.

4. Recycling of Iron: The iron produced from the breakdown of RBCs is recycled and sent back to the bone marrow. This is important because the bone marrow is where new red blood cells are formed.

5. Bilirubin Conversion: The bilirubin, another product of the breakdown, is processed further and eventually contributes to the formation of bile, which is stored in the gallbladder.

6. Conclusion: Since the breakdown of red blood cells occurs in both the liver and the spleen, the original statement is false.

Final Answer: The statement is false; dead red blood cells are broken down in both the liver and the spleen.

