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Define atavism.

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Step-by-Step Text Solution:

1. Definition of Atavism: Atavism refers to the phenomenon where an ancestral trait reappears in an organism after having been absent for several generations due to evolutionary changes.

2. Modification of Biological Structure: It involves a modification of biological structures, indicating that certain features or characteristics that were present in distant ancestors can re-emerge in their descendants.

3. Alternative Names: Atavism is also known as "reversion" or "throwback," highlighting the idea of returning to a previous evolutionary state.

4. Examples of Atavism:
- The occurrence of short tails in some babies, which is a trait that may have been present in their distant ancestors.
- The presence of additional pairs of mammary glands in some individuals, which can be traced back to ancestral forms.
- The ability to move the ear pinna (the outer part of the ear), which is more pronounced in some animals.
- The presence of large canines or very long and dense hair, which are traits that may have been more common in ancestral species.

5. Conclusion: Atavism serves as a fascinating example of how evolutionary processes can lead to the re-emergence of traits that were once lost, providing insight into the genetic and evolutionary history of organisms.

