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Define the following term : Response.

Video Solution
Text Solution
Generated By DoubtnutGPT

Step-by-Step Text Solution:

1. Understanding the Term "Response":
- The term "response" refers to the reaction of an organism to a stimulus. It is an essential aspect of how living beings interact with their environment.

2. Example to Illustrate Response:
- Consider a scenario where you accidentally touch a hot pan. This situation provides a clear example of a response in action.

3. Process of Response:
- When your finger touches the hot pan, sensory receptors in your skin detect the heat (stimulus).
- This information is then transmitted as a signal through sensory neurons to the spinal cord.
- The spinal cord processes this information and sends a signal to the brain.
- The brain interprets the signal and formulates a response, which in this case is to pull your hand away from the hot surface.

4. Conclusion:
- The entire process illustrates that a response is the action taken by an organism after receiving and processing a stimulus. In this example, the response is the quick withdrawal of the hand from the hot pan to prevent injury.
