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Define the following term : Stereoscopic vision.

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Step-by-Step Text Solution:

1. Understanding the Term: Stereoscopic vision refers to the ability to perceive depth and three-dimensional structure from visual information that is received by both eyes.

2. Role of Eyes: Each eye captures a slightly different image due to their horizontal separation. This difference in perspective is crucial for depth perception.

3. 2D to 3D Conversion: The images captured by each eye are two-dimensional (2D). The brain processes these two images and merges them to create a single three-dimensional (3D) image.

4. Resulting Perception: This merging of images allows us to perceive depth, distance, and the spatial relationship between objects, which is essential for tasks like judging distances and navigating through our environment.

5. Conclusion: Therefore, stereoscopic vision is the process by which our brain interprets the visual information from our two eyes to create a 3D perception of the world around us.

