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Describe how the origin of life from abiotic substances was proved experimentally by Miller and Urey.

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Step-by-Step Text Solution:

1. Introduction to the Experiment: The origin of life from abiotic substances was experimentally demonstrated by Stanley Miller and Harold Urey in the early 1950s. Their experiment aimed to simulate the conditions thought to be present on the primitive Earth.

2. Creation of the Atmosphere: Miller and Urey created a closed system that mimicked the early Earth's atmosphere. They included gases such as ammonia (NH₃), methane (CH₄), and hydrogen (H₂) while deliberately excluding oxygen (O₂), as it was believed that the early atmosphere lacked free oxygen.

3. Temperature Maintenance: The temperature in the experimental setup was maintained at around 100 degrees Celsius. This temperature was chosen to simulate the conditions of the early Earth, particularly the presence of water in its gaseous state.

4. Simulating Lightning: To simulate the energy sources that could drive chemical reactions in the early atmosphere, Miller and Urey introduced electrical sparks into the mixture. This was meant to represent lightning, which is believed to have been a significant energy source on the primitive Earth.

5. Observation of Results: After running the experiment for a week, Miller and Urey analyzed the contents of the reaction vessel. They found that several organic compounds had formed, including amino acids, which are the building blocks of proteins.

6. Conclusion: The formation of amino acids from simple abiotic substances provided evidence that life could originate from non-living materials under the right conditions. This experiment supported the hypothesis that the building blocks of life could arise spontaneously from simple chemical reactions.

