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Differentiate between:
Cartilage and Bone

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Definition and Composition:
- Bone: Bones are hard, inelastic, and tough organs that form part of the vertebral skeleton.
- Cartilage: Cartilage is a soft, elastic, and flexible connective tissue that protects the bones from rubbing against each other.

2. Types:
- Bone: There are two types of bones: compact and spongy.
- Cartilage: Cartilage is of three types: hyaline cartilage, fibrocartilage, and elastic cartilage.

3. Cell Types:
- Bone: The cells in bones are known as osteocytes.
- Cartilage: The cells in cartilage are known as chondrocytes.

4. Blood Supply:
- Bone: Bones have a presence of blood vessels, which means they have a rich blood supply.
- Cartilage: Cartilage lacks blood vessels, so nutrients are obtained through diffusion.

5. Mineral Composition:
- Bone: Bones have deposits of calcium salts, making them hard and strong.
- Cartilage: Cartilages may or may not have deposits of calcium salts.

6. Repair Mechanism:
- Bone: Injuries to bones are repaired quicker due to their rich blood supply.
- Cartilage: Injuries to cartilage heal more slowly because of the lack of blood supply.

7. Functions:
- Bone: Bones protect the body from mechanical damage, provide a framework and shape for the body, help in movement, store minerals, and produce red blood cells (RBCs) and white blood cells (WBCs).
- Cartilage: Cartilage supports the respiratory tract, acts as shock absorbers between weight-bearing bones, maintains the shape and flexibility of fleshy appendages, and reduces friction at joints.

Summary Table:

| Feature | Bone | Cartilage |
| Definition | Hard, inelastic, tough | Soft, elastic, flexible |
| Types | Compact, spongy | Hyaline, fibrocartilage, elastic |
| Cell Type | Osteocytes | Chondrocytes |
| Blood Supply | Rich blood supply (blood vessels) | No blood supply (diffusion) |
| Mineral Composition | Calcium salts present | May or may not have calcium salts |
| Repair Mechanism | Quick repair | Slow repair |
| Functions | Protects, supports, movement, stores minerals, produces blood cells | Supports, shock absorption, flexibility, reduces friction |

Updated on:18/9/2024

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