Doubtnut Promotions Sticky

Differentiate between :
Diffusion and Osmosis

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Step-by-Step Solution

1. Definition:
- Diffusion: This is the process where molecules move from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration until equilibrium is reached. This can involve any type of substance, such as gases, liquids, or solids.
- Osmosis: This is a specific type of diffusion that refers only to the movement of water molecules. It occurs when water moves through a semi-permeable membrane from a region of higher water concentration (or lower solute concentration) to a region of lower water concentration (or higher solute concentration).

2. Membrane Requirement:
- Diffusion: It does not require a semi-permeable membrane. Substances can diffuse freely across any barrier as long as there is a concentration gradient.
- Osmosis: It specifically requires a semi-permeable membrane that allows only certain molecules (like water) to pass through while blocking others (like solutes).

3. Medium:
- Diffusion: This process can occur in any medium, including solids, liquids, and gases. For example, the smell of perfume diffusing in the air is a common example of diffusion.
- Osmosis: This process occurs only in liquid mediums, as it specifically involves the movement of water molecules.
