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Differentiate between stolon and sucker.

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Generated By DoubtnutGPT

Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Definition of Stolon: A stolon is a horizontal stem that grows along the ground. It typically remains close to the soil surface and does not rise above it.

Hint: Think of a stolon as a "runner" that spreads out horizontally.

2. Definition of Sucker: A sucker is an upright shoot that arises from the base of a plant or from its roots. It grows vertically above the ground.

Hint: Visualize a sucker as a "new plant" that emerges straight up from the ground.

3. Growth Orientation:
- Stolon: Grows horizontally and remains close to the ground.
- Sucker: Grows vertically and rises above the ground.

Hint: Remember, stolons spread out while suckers reach up.

4. Function:
- Stolon: Primarily used for vegetative reproduction by producing new plants at its nodes.
- Sucker: Also used for vegetative reproduction but typically develops into a new plant that can grow independently.

Hint: Both are methods of reproduction, but think of stolons as spreading out and suckers as reaching up.

5. Examples:
- Stolon: Commonly found in plants like strawberries, where they produce new plants at the tips of the stolons.
- Sucker: Found in plants like raspberries, where new shoots grow from the base of the plant.

Hint: Associating specific plants with each term can help you remember the differences.

Summary of Differences:
- Stolon: Horizontal, remains on the ground, produces new plants at nodes.
- Sucker: Vertical, grows above the ground, develops into new independent plants.
