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Differentiate exoskeleton and endoskeleton.

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Step-by-Step Solution

1. Definition:
- Exoskeleton: An exoskeleton is a hard outer structure that provides support and protection to the body of an organism. It is found outside the body.
- Endoskeleton: An endoskeleton is an internal support structure found within the body of an organism.

2. Location:
- Exoskeleton: Present outside the body of the organism.
- Endoskeleton: Present inside the body of the organism.

3. Organism Types:
- Exoskeleton: Typically found in invertebrates, such as insects, crustaceans, and arachnids.
- Endoskeleton: Typically found in vertebrates, including mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fish.

4. Growth:
- Exoskeleton: Does not grow with the organism. As the organism grows, it must molt or shed its exoskeleton to allow for growth.
- Endoskeleton: Grows with the organism, allowing for continuous growth and development.

5. Structure:
- Exoskeleton: Composed of a hard outer covering that provides protection and support.
- Endoskeleton: Composed of bones and cartilage that provide internal support and protection for vital organs.

6. Examples:
- Exoskeleton: Examples include insects like grasshoppers, crustaceans like crabs, and arachnids like spiders.
- Endoskeleton: Examples include humans and other vertebrates, which have a skeleton made of bones and cartilage.

Summary Table

| Feature | Exoskeleton | Endoskeleton |
| Definition | Hard outer structure | Internal support structure |
| Location | Outside the body | Inside the body |
| Organism Types | Invertebrates (e.g., insects) | Vertebrates (e.g., humans) |
| Growth | Does not grow | Grows with the organism |
| Structure | Hard outer covering | Bones and cartilage |
| Examples | Grasshopper, crab, spider | Human, dog, cat |
