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Discuss three characteristics of microorganisms.

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1. Definition of Microorganisms:
Microorganisms are very small organisms that cannot be seen with the naked eye. They require a microscope for observation. This characteristic highlights their minute size and invisibility.

2. Natural Decomposers:
One of the key characteristics of microorganisms is their role as natural decomposers. They break down organic matter, which helps in recycling nutrients in the ecosystem. This decomposition process enriches the soil, making it more fertile and supporting plant growth.

3. Survival in Various Environments:
Microorganisms have the remarkable ability to survive in a wide range of environments. They can thrive in extreme conditions, including high temperatures, low temperatures, salty environments, and varying pH levels. This adaptability allows them to inhabit diverse ecosystems.

4. Pathogenic Nature:
While many microorganisms can be harmful (pathogenic) and cause diseases, they also play beneficial roles in various processes, such as fermentation in the production of dairy products. This dual nature emphasizes that not all microorganisms are harmful; some are essential for human use and environmental balance.

Summary of Characteristics:
- Microorganisms are minute and invisible to the naked eye.
- They act as natural decomposers, enriching soil fertility.
- They can survive in extreme and varied environmental conditions.
- Some microorganisms are pathogenic, while others are beneficial.
