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Do you know of any activity which may be polluting this water source?

Video Solution
Text Solution
Generated By DoubtnutGPT

Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Identify the Water Source: Begin by determining the specific water source in question. This could be a river, lake, or stream.

2. Recognize Potential Polluting Activities: Understand that various human activities can lead to the pollution of freshwater sources.

3. Wastewater Discharge: One of the primary activities that can pollute water sources is the discharge of wastewater. This includes:
- Household Wastewater: Water that comes from sinks, toilets, and showers.
- Industrial Wastewater: Water released from factories which may contain harmful chemicals and pollutants.
- Hospital Wastewater: Water that may contain pharmaceuticals and other hazardous materials.

4. Agricultural Runoff: Another significant source of pollution is agricultural activities. This includes:
- Use of Fertilizers: Chemicals used to enhance plant growth can wash away into nearby water sources during rain.
- Use of Pesticides: Chemicals used to kill pests can also runoff into water bodies, contaminating them.

5. Summarize the Impact: Conclude by summarizing that these activities contribute to the degradation of water quality, affecting aquatic life and human health.
