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Draw a neat labelled diagram of the structure of typical bisexual flower.

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Step-by-Step Solution for Drawing a Typical Bisexual Flower

1. Draw the Receptacle: Start by drawing a small, broad base which represents the receptacle. This is the thickened part of the stem from which the flower parts arise.

2. Add the Sepals: Above the receptacle, draw several small green leaf-like structures that encircle the base of the flower. These are the sepals, which protect the flower bud before it blooms.

3. Draw the Petals: Above the sepals, draw larger, colorful structures that are often shaped like petals. These petals attract pollinators and are typically brightly colored.

4. Illustrate the Stigma: At the center of the flower, draw a sticky, bulbous structure at the top of a tube-like structure. This is the stigma, which is part of the female reproductive organ.

5. Add the Style: Below the stigma, draw a slender tube connecting the stigma to the ovary. This tube is called the style.

6. Draw the Ovary: At the base of the style, draw a rounded structure. This is the ovary, which contains the ovules (female gametes).

7. Illustrate the Anther and Filament: On either side of the flower, draw two thin stalks (filaments) that support the anthers. At the top of each filament, draw a small, rounded structure, which represents the anther. This is where pollen grains are produced.

8. Label the Parts: Clearly label each part of the flower: Receptacle, Sepals, Petals, Stigma, Style, Ovary, Anther, and Filament.

Updated on:7/8/2024

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