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Drugs create a frightful response amongst many. This is something that leads to the death of even popular people as well. They prove to be quite addictive, but at the same time, all drugs are not harmful. In this chapter, we will discuss drugs where we would also look forward to discussing the different types of drugs and their effects.  Further, we would study how drugs affect the body.

What are drugs?

Drugs are chemical substances that alter or affect the physiology when a living system takes it. They are either found to be synthetic or natural. It mostly targets the brain that leads to switching the mood as well as physiological, social conditions. You can also find both legal and illegal drugs and most problems are created by the latter one. Legal drugs are those that are used for treatment, diagnosis, or prevention of disease. It generates a biological response by targeting the macromolecules inside the body. Mostly the nervous system inside the body gets targeted, and this, in turn, generates a biological response. In higher doses, they can be toxic.

Your body is affected by different types of drugs in different ways which also varies from one person to person. In other words, an individual is affected by a drug based on general health, body size, the strength and amount of the drug.

It can have both short-term and long-term effects which can be either psychological or physical. If you take drugs, there might be a condition where you may feel differently, act differently, and think differently. It would also lead to the condition of not being able to control your thoughts and actions. It should always be noted that there is no safe level of drug use, and so it is quite important to take care when you try to take any sort of drugs.

Types of drugs and their effects

The central nervous system of your body is affected by drugs. There are three main types of drugs, including depressants, hallucinogens, and stimulants.

  • Depressants: The central nervous system gets slow or depressed with the use of depressants. Your brain starts to get messages slowly. A person feels relaxed if the depressants are taken in small quantities. On the other hand, it might lead to unconscious or even death if taken in higher quantity.

  • It also affects your coordination and concentration, where the ability to respond to a situation becomes slow. While taking depressants, it is advised not to involve in any sort of operating heavy machinery. Some of the examples of depressants are cannabis, morphine, heroin, alcohol, benzodiazepines, etc.

  • Hallucinogens: Your sense of reality gets distorted by hallucinogens. It leads to seeing things or objects that do not really exist or even see things in a distorted way. Other effects can be seen, such as psychological and emotional euphoria, paranoia, jaw clenching, nausea, gastric upset, and so on. Some examples of Hallucinogens include PCP, Ketamine, cannabinoids, LSD, magic mushrooms, and so on.

  • Stimulants: Here, the central nervous system gets stimulated. You begin to feel more confident and alert as they speed up messaging to and from the brain. It also leads to agitation, reduced appetite, an increase in the blood pressure, heart rate and body temperature, and so on. If stimulants are taken in large amounts, then it may cause seizures, paranoia, stomach cramps, anxiety, and so on. Some examples of stimulants are cocaine, nicotine, caffeine, ecstasy, amphetamines, etc.

Physical harms from drug use

Both your short and long term health is affected by the use of drugs. Let us look at the different physical harms:

  • You might have an accident (at home, in a car, or wherever you are).
  • You might engage in unprotected sex or be vulnerable to sexual assault. Either of these can make you get pregnant and sexually transmitted infection.
  • You may find it difficult to get good sleep.
  • It can also damage the organs and systems in your body, such as your, lungs, stomach, throat, liver, brain, nervous system, pancreas, heart, etc.
  • It can also lead to cancer.
  • If you are pregnant, then it can cause harm to your baby.
  • It also leads to acne or skin lesions.
  • If you inject regularly, it can lead to a lot of needle marks and collapsed veins.
  • You might also experience baldness.
  • There is also a higher risk of mental illness, suicide, depression, and death.
  • It also leads to a lot of problem with your jaw and teeth.
  • You might experience mood swings and erratic behaviour. 

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Effects of common drugs

Cannabis (hash, pot, dope, weed, grass, skunk, marijuana):

  • It may cause altered perception
  • increased heart rate and low blood pressure
  • It can cause anxiety, lethargy, paranoia, and psychosis in extreme cases.
  • It can lead to mental health problems such as schizophrenia and, when smoked, to lung diseases such as chronic bronchItis, asthma, and lung, mouth, throat, and tongue cancer
  • It affects the working of your brain works. It can also affect you by making It a problem to learn, concentrate,  and retain information
  • It leads to reducing your fertilIty
  • It increases the risk of lung cancer and heart disease.

Cocaine (powder cocaine, coke, blow, Charlie, crack):

  • It makes you feel awake, happy, confident and less inhibIted, but in the long term, It has a nasty 'come down' that leads to making you feel depressed and unwell.
  • It can overstimulate the nervous system and heart and might also lead to a seizure, brain haemorrhage, stroke or heart attack
  • It has a higher risk if mixed wIth alcohol or other stimulants, especially if you have an existing heart condItion or if you have high blood pressure
  • It reduces your pain perception that in turn results in injury
  • It can cause damage to the lining of the nasal passage and nose if snorted
  • can cause vein collapse and increased risk of HIV and hepatItis infection if injected. 

Mephedrone (meow meow, m-cat, plant food, bubble, meph):

  • It can induce feelings of euphoria, happiness, and confidence, but at the same time It can also cause paranoia and anxiety
  • It causes sweating, vomIting and headaches in some users
  • It can lead to fIts and agItated and hallucinatory states
  • It can overstimulate your heart and nervous system
  • It can cause periods of insomnia 
  • It can cause tingling of the hands and feet, seizure and respiratory failure if used in large amounts
  • It has also been linked to a wide number of deaths
  • It can cause vein collapse and increases the risk of HIV and hepatItis infection if injected

Ecstasy (MDMA, pills, E, eckies):

  • It can make you feel warm, alert, and chatty
  • It can make colours and sounds seem more intense
  • It may cause confusion, anxiety, paranoia and even psychosis
  • in cases of long-term use, It is linked to depression memory loss and anxiety
  • It can also lead to dehydration and overheating

Speed (amphetamine, billy, whizz):

  • It can make you feel confident, alert and energetic
  • It can also lead to reducing your appetIte
  • It may make you aggressive and agItated
  • It may cause paranoia, confusion, and even psychosis
  • It can make you feel lethargic or very depressed for hours or days when used in large quantIties
  • It can cause heart attacks and high blood pressure
  • It proves to be riskier if mixed wIth alcohol, or in case you have heart problems or blood pressure
  • It puts you at risk in the tissue and vein damage and infectious disease (such as hepatItis C and HIV), in case you inject speed.

Ice (shabu, crystal meth, crystal, glass, shard):

  • It may create feelings of confidence and pleasure
  • It can make you feel energetic as well as alert
  • It can cause you to repeat simple things like scratching and Itching  
  • It can cause enlarged or dilated pupils along wIth a dry mouth
  • It may make you grind your teeth as well
  • It can also cause excessive sweat 
  • It can even increase your breathing and heart rate
  • It may also reduce your appetIte
  • It may increase your sex drive
  • It puts you at risk of infectious diseases like hepatItis B, hepatItis C, and even HIV if you inject It
  • It can cause nose bleeds if you snort It by damaging your nasal passages.

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