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During respiration, food materials are (oxidized / reduced)

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding Respiration: Respiration is a physiological process that involves both physical and chemical components. The physical part includes breathing, which is the exchange of gases between the body and the environment.

2. Chemical Process of Respiration: In the chemical aspect of respiration, the food we consume is digested and broken down into simpler substances at the cellular level. This breakdown releases energy, primarily in the form of ATP (adenosine triphosphate).

3. Respiratory Substrates: The most common respiratory substrate is glucose. Although proteins and fats can also be used, glucose is the primary source of energy during respiration.

4. Chemical Equation of Respiration: The process can be represented by the equation:
Glucose+OxygenCarbon Dioxide+Water+Energy
This indicates that glucose reacts with oxygen to produce carbon dioxide, water, and energy.

5. Exothermic Nature of Respiration: The process of respiration is exothermic, meaning it releases energy. This is a key characteristic of oxidation reactions.

6. Oxidation vs. Reduction: In the context of respiration, when food materials (like glucose) combine with oxygen, they undergo oxidation. Conversely, if oxygen is removed, the process would be termed reduction.

7. Conclusion: Therefore, during respiration, food materials are oxidized.

Final Answer: During respiration, food materials are oxidized.

