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Explain denitrifying process.

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Step-by-Step Solution for Explaining the Denitrifying Process:

1. Introduction to the Nitrogen Cycle:
- The denitrifying process is a crucial part of the nitrogen cycle, which is a natural cycle that describes how nitrogen moves through the environment.

2. Understanding Nitrification:
- Before we delve into denitrification, it's important to understand nitrification. This is the process where ammonia (NH3) in the soil is converted into nitrates (NO3-) by certain bacteria.

3. Defining Denitrification:
- Denitrification is the process that occurs after nitrification. It involves the conversion of nitrates (NO3-) back into atmospheric nitrogen (N2).

4. Anaerobic Conditions:
- The denitrifying process occurs under anaerobic conditions, meaning it takes place in environments where oxygen is absent.

5. Role of Denitrifying Bacteria:
- This conversion from nitrates to atmospheric nitrogen is facilitated by specific types of bacteria known as denitrifying bacteria. These bacteria play a vital role in completing the nitrogen cycle by returning nitrogen to the atmosphere.

6. Conclusion:
- In summary, the denitrifying process is essential for maintaining the balance of nitrogen in the ecosystem, preventing the accumulation of nitrates in the soil, and ensuring that nitrogen is available in its gaseous form in the atmosphere.
