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Explain the disorders of the respiratory system of man.Solution in Tamil

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respiratory system is highly affected by environmental and occupational, personal and social factors. these factors may be responsible for a number of respiratory disorders. Some of the disorder are discussed here.
Asthma - it is characterized by narrowing and inflammation of bronchi and bronchioles and difficulty in breathing for stop common allergens for asthma ara,dus,t drugs, pollen grains, certain food items like fish,prawns and certain fruits etc.
Emphysema - Emphysema is chronic breathlessness caused by gradual breakdown of the thin walls of the alveoli decreasing the total surface area of a gaseous exchange i.e., widenig of the alveoli is called Emphysema. The major cause for this disease is cigarette smoking coma which reduce the respiratory surface of the alveolar wall.
Bronchitis the bronchi when it gets inflated due to pollution smoke and cigarette smoking, cause bronchitis. The symptom are cough, shortness of breath and sputum in the lungs.
Pheumonia - Inflammation of the lungs due to infection caused by bacteria or virus is called pneumonia. The common symptoms are sputum production, nasal congestion, shortness of breath, sore throat, etc.
Tuberculosis - Tuberculosis is caused by mycobacterium tuberculae. this infection mainly occurs in the lungs and bones. Collection of fluid between the lungs and the chest wall is the main complication of this disease.
Occupational respiratory disorders - The disorders due to one.s occupation of working in industries like grinding all stone breaking, construction site, cotton industries, etc. Dust produced affects the respiratory tracts. Long exposures can give rise to inflammation leading of fibrosis. Silicosis and asbestosis are occupational respiratory diseases resulting from inhalation of particle of silica from sand grinding and asbestos into the respiratory tract. Workers, working in such industries must wear protective mask.
