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Explain the term Osmoregulation.

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Definition of Osmoregulation: Osmoregulation is the biological process through which organisms regulate the balance of water and electrolytes (salts) in their bodies. This is crucial for maintaining homeostasis, which is the stable internal environment necessary for survival.

2. Role of Osmoreceptors: The process of osmoregulation is facilitated by specialized sensory receptors known as osmoreceptors. These receptors are capable of detecting changes in osmotic pressure, which is the pressure exerted by solutes in a solution.

3. Types of Osmoregulation: There are two main types of osmoregulation:
- Osmoconformers: These organisms maintain an osmotic pressure that is equal to that of their surrounding environment. They do not actively regulate their internal osmotic pressure. Examples include marine animals such as starfish and jellyfish.
- Osmoregulators: These organisms actively regulate their internal osmotic pressure, independent of the external environment. This means they can maintain their internal conditions even when the external osmotic pressure changes. Humans are a prime example of osmoregulators.

4. Comparison of Osmoconformers and Osmoregulators: The key difference between these two types lies in their dependence on the external environment. Osmoconformers match their internal osmotic pressure to that of their surroundings, while osmoregulators maintain their internal osmotic pressure regardless of external conditions.
