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Explain the term Reflex action.

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Definition of Reflex Action: Reflex action is an involuntary and immediate response to a stimulus. It occurs without conscious thought and is a protective mechanism of the body.

2. Example of Reflex Action: Consider the scenario where you accidentally touch a hot pan. The moment your hand makes contact with the hot surface, you instinctively pull your hand away. This quick reaction is a classic example of a reflex action.

3. Mechanism of Reflex Action:
- Stimulus Detection: When your hand touches the hot pan, sensory receptors in your skin detect the heat (stimulus).
- Signal Transmission: These receptors send a signal (nerve impulse) to the Central Nervous System (CNS), which includes the brain and spinal cord.
- Response Generation: The CNS processes the information and generates a response. In this case, it sends a signal back to the muscles in your arm.
- Action Execution: The muscles contract, and you quickly pull your hand away from the hot pan.

4. Speed of Reflex Action: The entire process of reflex action occurs very quickly, often within milliseconds, allowing for immediate protection from harm.

5. Importance of Reflex Action: Reflex actions are crucial for survival as they help the body respond rapidly to potentially dangerous situations without the need for conscious thought.
