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Give examples of (a) Hydrotropism (b) Chemotropism
a) What do life processes include?
b) Name some life processes in living beings.

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Hydrotropism:
- Hydrotropism refers to the growth of plant roots towards moisture or water.
- Examples:
- Tomato roots grow towards water sources in the soil.
- Radish roots exhibit hydrotropism by growing towards areas with higher moisture.
- Carrot roots also grow towards water, demonstrating hydrotropic behavior.

2. Chemotropism:
- Chemotropism is the growth of an organism in response to a chemical stimulus.
- Example:
- The pollen tube of a flowering plant grows towards the ovule, guided by chemical signals released by the ovule.


(b) Life Processes:

1. What do life processes include?
- Life processes include various functions that are essential for the survival and growth of living organisms. These are:
- Organization: The structural arrangement of cells and tissues.
- Metabolism: The sum of all chemical reactions in the body, including energy production.
- Movement: Locomotion or movement of organisms or parts of organisms.
- Reproduction: The process of producing offspring.

2. Name some life processes in living beings:
- Some key life processes in living beings include:
- Growth: Increase in size and mass of an organism.
- Differentiation: The process where cells become specialized for specific functions.
- Respiration: The process of converting food into energy.
- Digestion: The breakdown of food into simpler substances for absorption.
- Excretion: The removal of waste products from the body.

