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Give two examples : Protozoan diseases

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Step-by-Step Solution

1. Understanding Protozoan Diseases: Protozoan diseases are illnesses caused by protozoans, which are unicellular organisms classified under the kingdom Protista.

2. Example 1: Malaria:
- Causative Agent: The disease is caused by the protozoan of the genus *Plasmodium*.
- Transmission: The disease is transmitted to humans through the bite of infected female *Anopheles* mosquitoes.
- Symptoms: Common symptoms include chills, fever, and anemia due to the destruction of red blood cells (RBCs). Symptoms typically occur every three to four days.

3. Example 2: Kala Azar:
- Causative Agent: The disease is caused by the protozoan *Leishmania donovani*.
- Other Names: Kala Azar is also known as black fever.
- Transmission: It is transmitted by the bite of infected sandflies.
- Symptoms: Symptoms include prolonged fever, weight loss, and anemia.

Summary of Examples
- Malaria: Caused by *Plasmodium*; transmitted by *Anopheles* mosquitoes.
- Kala Azar: Caused by *Leishmania donovani*; transmitted by sandflies.

