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Identify the stages in human evolution.
Erect ape man _______

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding Human Evolution: Human evolution refers to the gradual development of the human species over millions of years from our primate ancestors.

2. Identifying Key Stages: The evolution of humans can be divided into several key stages. One of the significant stages is represented by the species known as Homo erectus.

3. Homo erectus: This species is often referred to as the "erect ape man." It lived approximately 1.5 million years ago and is known for its upright walking posture.

4. Brain Capacity: Homo erectus had a larger brain compared to earlier hominins, with a brain capacity of about 900 cubic centimeters. This indicates a significant advancement in cognitive abilities.

5. Diet: Homo erectus was omnivorous, primarily consuming meat, which played a crucial role in its development and survival.

6. Conclusion: Therefore, the stage in human evolution represented by "erect ape man" is Homo erectus.

Final Answer: Erect ape man - Homo erectus

