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Identify the type of pollination that is carried out in Vallisneria?

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding Pollination: Pollination is the process of transferring pollen grains from the male reproductive part (anther) to the female reproductive part (stigma) of a flower.

2. Types of Pollination: There are several types of pollination, including:
- Autogamy: Self-pollination within the same flower.
- Allogamy: Cross-pollination between different flowers.
- Anemophily: Wind pollination.
- Entomophily: Insect pollination.
- Hydrophily: Water pollination.

3. Identifying the Pollination in Vallisneria: Vallisneria is a type of aquatic plant. The pollination process in Vallisneria is specifically carried out through water.

4. Conclusion: Therefore, the type of pollination that occurs in Vallisneria is Hydrophilic pollination, meaning that water is the agent responsible for transferring the pollen grains.

