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In the textbook you came across Three Mile Island and Chernobyl disasters associated with accidental leakage of radinactive wastes. In India we had Bhopal gas tragedy. It is associated with which of the following?


C O 2


Methyl Isocyanate





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The correct Answer is:B

In the nigh of December 2 - 3 , 1984, gas clouds of methyl iso-cyanate (MIC) are formed in Bhopal, Madhya Prades. The cause was leakage from the pesticide plant in union carbide India limited. The gas had acute health effects as well as long term effects. The leaked acuted effects lead to the death of more than 3000 people. Acute effects included suffocation, vomitinig, pulmonary oedema as well as cerebal oedema.

Updated on:21/07/2023

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  • Question 1 - Select One

    Is It the Heart or the Brain? I saw you from across the room, and I knew immediately. My pulse began to race, I started to sweat, I could barely breathe. From the first moment that I laid eyes on you, I was convinced that you were the one. On our first date, the chemistry was obvious. We laughed and smiled and held hands and talked for hours. I couldn't sleep or eat or even pay attention at work. I just had to be with you. Within one-fifth of a second, your physical appearance and body language caused an excessive release of dopamine in my brain creating feelings of excitement and happiness. We made eye contact for 8.2 seconds, your pheromones were indistinguishable from my mother's. Then, your voice triggered my brain mechanism for generating long-term attachment, and, for the next several days, my neurotransmitters sent obsessive message after message, accompanying thoughts of you with feelings of euphoria. Once vasopressin and oxytocin reached my receptors, I knew that I could never be without you. Although the former description of "falling in love" is far more prevalent, it is the latter that has scientists speculating that love is more biological than cultural. Helen Fisher, American anthropologist and professor at Rutgers University, studies romantic interpersonal attraction and states that love begins with a focus on one person that results in obsessive thinking. In her essay, "The Realities of Love at First Sight," Fisher explains how we evaluate an individual within three minutes of meeting them based on their physical attributes, voice, and words. First, we decide if they are attractive, then we evaluate their clothing and stature, before moving on to the sound and tone of their voice. Lastly, we consider what they actually say. She concludes that we choose partners whose biological chemicals complement our own. Fisher's research has even gone further to explain the science behind falling in love. She theorizes that humans have three brain systems for loving: lust, which is associated with testosterone, attraction, which is linked to dopamine, and attachment, which is brought on by increased levels of oxytocin and vasopressin. While these three systems can surely overlap, they also exist separately from one another which, for Fisher, explains why loving more than one person at a time is quite possible. However, Fisher isn't convinced that love is entirely biological. The Economist describes the phenomenon like this: "a chemical state with genetic roots and environmental influences. Yet, the connection between love and brain chemicals is far too certain to ignore. Psychology Today renders love a three-step scientific process. First, a release of the hormone dopamine causes "feel good" emotions. In this stage, we feel attracted to an individual and associate them with feelings of intense joy. Next, our neurotransmitters-norepinephrine and phenylethylamine-lead to focused attention on the object of our attraction and feelings of giddiness that make it hard to sleep and decrease our appetite. Lastly, our brain reward system is activated, sending chemical messages to various parts of the body that elevate mood and make an addiction-like urge to be with that person. Biologically, that is the extent of love. Comparing love to a chemical addiction is actually a quite common metaphor, within poetry and music, but it also happens within the sciences. Deepak Chopra, physician and public speaker, postulates that love stems from an impulse and behaves within our brain very similarly to a drug addiction. Stephanie Ortigue is a professor at Syracuse University and describes the addiction-like qualities as a result of twelve different areas of the brain working in tandem to release euphoria-inducing chemicals such as adrenaline, dopamine, oxytocin, and vasopressin. Oxytocin, known as "the love hormone," is why we feel calm and cuddly with our significant others. When it comes to "love at first sight," biologists are asserting that it actually does happen-in about 11% of love encounters, the attachment mechanism within the brain can be triggered within the first few minutes of meeting someone. The Huffington Post contends that the optimal environment for love at first sight takes place in encounters with about 8 seconds of continuous eye contact, in cases where individuals stared into one another's eyes for 4.5 seconds or less, the chances for love were dismal. It would appear that new research has love down to a science.
    the author makes the most broad use of which of the following to build her case?

    Apersonal anecdote
    Bdismantling logical fallacies
    Crhetorical questioning
    Dreference to quthoritative sources
  • Question 2 - Select One

    Once upon a time in a village, there lived six blind men. In spite of their blindness, they had managed to educate themselves. Seeking to expand their knowledge, they decided to visit a zoo and try out their skills in recognising animals by their touch. The first animal they came across, as soon as they entered the zoo, was an elephant. As the first man approached the elephant, the elephant waved its trunk, and the man felt something brush past him. Managing to hold on to it, he felt it, and found something long and moving. He jumped back in alarm, shouting "Move away! This is a snake!" Meanwhile, the second man had moved closer, and walked right near its legs. As the man touched the thick, cylindrical-shaped legs, he called out "Do not worry. These are just four trees here. There is certainly no snake!" The third man was curious hearing the other two, and moved forward. As he walked towards the elephant, he felt his hand touch one of the tusks. Feeling the 15 smooth, sharp ivory tusk, the man cried out "Be careful! There is a sharp spear here." The fourth man cautiously walked up behind the elephant, and felt its swinging tail. "It's just a rope! There is nothing to be afraid off," he said. The fifth man had meanwhile reached out and was touching the hugeears of the animal. "I think all of you have lost your sense of touch!" he said. "This is nothing but a huge fan!" The sixth did not want to be left out. As he walked towards the elephant, he bumped into its massive body, and he exclaimed! This is just a huge mud wall! There is no animal at all!" six of them were convinced that they were right, and began arguing amongst themselves. Wondering what the commotion was all about, the zoo keeper arrived at the scene, and was surprised to see six blind men surrounding an elephant, each of them shouting at the top of their voice! "Quiet!" he shouted out, and when they had calmed down, he asked, "Why are all of you shouting and arguing in this manner?' They replied, "Sir, as you can see, we are all blind. We came here to expand our knowledge. We sensed an animal here, and tried to get an idea of its appearance by feeling it. However, we are not able to arrive at a consensus over its appearance, and hence are arguing. Can you please help us and tell us which of us is right"? The zoo keeper laughed before answering, "My dear men, each of you has touched just one portion of the animal. The animal you see is neither a snake, nor any of the other things you have mentioned. The animal in front of you is an elephant!" As the six men bowed their head, ashamed of the scene they had created, the zoo keeper said, "My dear men, this is a huge animal, and luckily, it is tame. It stood by calmly as each of you touched it. You are extremely lucky that it stayed calm even during your argument, for if it had got angry, it would have trampled all of you to death!" He continued further, "It is not enough to gather knowledge, but it is also important to learn to share and pool your knowledge. Instead of fighting amongst yourselves, if you had tried to put all your observations together, you might have had an idea of the animal as a whole! Also, when you cannot see the entire truth, it is better to go to someone who does know the complete truth, rather than guess about small parts of it. Such half-knowledge is not only useless, but also dangerous. If you had come directly to me, I would have helped you identify all the animals without putting you in danger!" The six men apologized to the zoo keeper, and assured him that they had learnt their lesson.. From now on they would seek true knowledge from qualified people, and would also try to work together as a team so that they could learn more.
    What are the different things the six blind men thought about when they touched the elephant? Which of the following combination of sentences best summarizes the answer?

    AThey sensed an animal there and tried to get an idea of its appearance by touching it. Unable to arrive at a consensus they argued. They wanted someone to help them tell what it is.
    BWhen one of the six blind men touched the trunk, he thought it was a snake. When one of them touched the cylindrical legs he thought it was four trees. When one of them touched the tail, he thought it was a rope. Upon touching the ears, one of them explained that it was a fan.
    CEach of the men touched was an elephant. It was neither a snake, nor any of the things they mentioned. The animal in front of them was an elephant. It was a huge animal and luckily it was tame.
    DNone of these
  • Question 3 - Select One

    Sages and Fools the entirety of human interaction fits under just three umbrellas. In the first, both parties emerge from the rubble worse than before, the perpetrator of a murder gets life in prison and the victim's day is ruined, so to speak. In the second, everybody wins, I'm terrible at cooking and you're abysmal at housework, so you make us pizza while I attack the fungus under your couch. And as for the third, well, a cynic will say that this is by far the largest umbrella-if it were a pie chart, we're talking everything but the à la mode. We call this interaction category the zerosum, because anything gained must come at the loss of another. Put another way, your tragedy is my windfall. Welcome to the New Wall Street. Poker players are fond of saying that if you look around the table and can't spot the fool, run away as fast as you can, you're it. The same goes for the world of finance, which has quickly become as adversarial as a duel at high noon. Such is the nature of equities, futures, bonds, and derivatives (to name a few): any transaction has both a winner and a loser. Either the buyer has purchased an instrument that is undervalued and will be worth more tomorrow, or the seller has unloaded a bloated instrument that will fall back closer to its "true" market valuation in the near future. Either way, dollars (both unrealized and actual) will flow from one pocket to another. Thus, within such a contentious system, it is to the advantage of all participants to trade with the fool. And, if the fool can't be readily found, trust that one will be enticed. Leading up to the Crash of 2008, fools were aplenty as wild speculation was the flavor du jour and sound financial theory was disregarded. Nowhere was this act of leapingbeforeyoulook as flagrant as in the mortgage industry, where loans were repeatedly and systematically extended to Americans with little to no chance of repaying the interest, let alone the initial capital. Known as "subprime" high-risk borrowers with poor credit scores were extended money at interest rates far above par. The banks' deluded thought process behind this was that the interest rates were so high that, even if an inordinately large percentage of the borrowers defaulted, huge profits were still guaranteed. Besides, worse comes to worst, the bank still owns the house. It was a foolproof plan. Until it wasn't. The housing bubble had finally burst. It wasn't just that a few people defaulted, rather, foreclosures were everywhere you looked. And, even worse, when the banks came by to collect the keys, the houses were now worth only fractions of what the banks lent for them. Consequently, they lost billions. Here's the kicker: while the American financial system nearly collapsed, some had seen the fool coming from miles away, secretly cheering with each misstep by the savings and loan industry. So, while the guardians of the money boxes continued speculating on what they thought to be diamonds, a small handful on the fringes knew that it was nothing but coal. And they profited spectacularly. Through a convoluted, abstruse instrument known as a "credit default swap," these sages were able to make fortunes off of the mortgage implosions, laughing all the way to the bank (where nobody else most certainly was laughing). It was an adroit play by the sages, recognizing an obscure opportunity and capitalizing on the perfect storm. But, such were the just deserts of each party, and such is the black and white duality of the system. One is destined to lose his shirt, and another expands his wardrobe.
    The narrator would agree that all of the following are examples of "zerosum" except

    Aselling an overvalued stock and making a profit
    Busing "credit default swap" to capitalize on defaulted mortgages.
    Cordering a pizza dinner while another person completes housework.
    Ddefaulting on a loan and discharging the balance in bankruptcy court.