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Mention three reasons for the increase in population in India.

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Decrease in Maternal and Infant Mortality Rates:
- One significant reason for the increase in India's population is the decline in both maternal mortality rate (MMR) and infant mortality rate (IMR). Improved healthcare and better maternal care have led to fewer deaths during childbirth and infancy, allowing more children to survive and contribute to population growth.

2. Increase in Birth Rate:
- Another reason is the increase in the birth rate. In India, there are a higher number of individuals in the reproductive age group, leading to more births. This demographic trend contributes to the expanding population as more individuals are born than die.

3. Improvement in Medical Facilities:
- The enhancement of medical facilities, including access to healthcare and medically assisted deliveries, has played a crucial role. With better healthcare services, complications during childbirth can be managed effectively, resulting in a higher survival rate for both mothers and infants, thus contributing to population growth.
