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Monera evolved during









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To determine when Monera (the group that includes bacteria and other prokaryotes) evolved, we can analyze the different geological eras provided in the question:

1. Understanding the Eras:
- The question provides several eras: Azoic, Archaeozoic, Proterozoic, and Precambrian. We need to evaluate each era to find out when Monera evolved.

2. Azoic Era:
- The Azoic era is known as the era of no life. It occurred approximately 4600 million years ago. Since there was no life during this time, Monera could not have evolved here.

3. Archaeozoic Era:
- The Archaeozoic era is referred to as the era of invisible life. This era had some unicellular eukaryotic organisms and prokaryotic organisms, but there were no recognizable fossils. Therefore, while some primitive life forms may have existed, it is not the era when Monera is recognized to have evolved.

4. Proterozoic Era:
- The Proterozoic era is known as the era of early life, which spanned from about 3000 million years ago to 1000 million years ago. This era saw the presence of both eukaryotic and prokaryotic organisms, including Monera. This makes it the most likely candidate for the evolution of Monera.

5. Precambrian Era:
- The Precambrian era includes the time before the Cambrian period and consists of the Azoic, Archaeozoic, and Proterozoic eras. While it includes early life forms, the specific evolution of Monera is more accurately placed in the Proterozoic era.

6. Conclusion:
- Based on the analysis of the eras, the correct answer is that Monera evolved during the Proterozoic era.

Final Answer:
Monera evolved during the Proterozoic era.
