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Muscles work together during movement. This is an example for___________

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding Muscle Function: Muscles are responsible for movement in the body. They work by contracting and relaxing, which allows for the movement of body parts.

2. Types of Movement: There are two key terms to understand: movement and locomotion. Movement refers to the ability of body parts to move without changing the organism's position, while locomotion refers to the ability to move from one place to another.

3. Role of Muscles and Bones: Muscles are attached to bones, and when they contract, they pull on the bones, causing movement. This process involves both voluntary muscles (which we can control) and involuntary muscles (which we cannot control).

4. Coordination of Muscles: Muscles work in pairs, often referred to as antagonistic muscles. These are muscles that work opposite to each other. For example, when the biceps contract to flex the elbow, the triceps must relax to allow this movement.

5. Importance of Coordination: The coordinated action of muscles is crucial for smooth and effective movement. If one muscle does not relax while the other contracts, it can lead to injury.

6. Conclusion: Therefore, the process of muscles working together during movement is an example of coordination.

Final Answer: Muscles work together during movement. This is an example of coordination.

