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Name the different components of seed.

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Text Solution
Generated By DoubtnutGPT

Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Identify the Components of a Seed: The question asks for the different components of a seed. The two main components of a seed are the seed coat and the embryo.

2. Define the Seed Coat: The seed coat is the outer covering of the seed. Its primary function is to protect the inner parts of the seed, including the embryo, from physical damage and environmental factors.

3. Define the Embryo: The embryo is the part of the seed that develops into a new plant. It contains the necessary structures that will grow into the roots, stem, and leaves of the plant once germination occurs.

4. Summarize the Functions:
- The seed coat protects the seed from injury and outside agents.
- The embryo is essential for the development of a new plant.

5. Conclude: Therefore, the two main components of a seed are the seed coat and the embryo, each serving crucial roles in the seed's protection and potential for growth.

