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Name the types of complex permanent tissue. Describe their structure and functions.

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding Complex Permanent Tissues:
- Complex permanent tissues are made up of more than one type of cell that work together as a unit. They differ from simple tissues, which consist of similar types of cells.

2. Types of Complex Permanent Tissues:
- There are two main types of complex permanent tissues in plants:
- Xylem
- Phloem

3. Structure of Xylem:
- Xylem is composed of several types of cells:
- Tracheary Elements: These are specialized cells that conduct water and minerals.
- Parenchyma: These cells are involved in storage and help in the transport of water.
- Sclerenchyma: These are fiber cells that provide structural support to the plant.

4. Function of Xylem:
- The primary function of xylem is to conduct water and dissolved minerals from the soil to various parts of the plant. This process is essential for plant growth and survival.

5. Structure of Phloem:
- Phloem also consists of different types of cells:
- Sieve Elements: These cells are responsible for the transport of food.
- Parenchyma: Similar to xylem, these cells assist in storage and transport.
- Sclerenchyma: These fibers provide support to the phloem.

6. Function of Phloem:
- The main function of phloem is to transport the prepared food (sugars and nutrients) produced in the leaves to other parts of the plant, ensuring that all parts receive the necessary nutrients for growth and development.

7. Overall Function of Complex Permanent Tissues:
- Both xylem and phloem are known as conducting tissues. They play a crucial role in the transportation of water, minerals, and food throughout the plant, which is vital for its overall health and functioning.
