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Pick the odd one out respect to intra cellularr digestion.
Animals,Green plants, Saprophytes, Parasites

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding Intracellular Digestion:
- Intracellular digestion refers to the process where digestion occurs within the cells of an organism. This is common in unicellular organisms.

2. Analyzing the Options:
- Animals:
- Unicellular animals like amoeba perform intracellular digestion by engulfing food particles through a process called endocytosis. Even multicellular animals have cells (like white blood cells) that perform intracellular digestion for specific functions.
- Green Plants:
- Green plants primarily perform photosynthesis to produce their own food and do not rely on digestion in the same way as animals do. They do not have a digestive system and do not perform intracellular digestion.
- Saprophytes:
- Saprophytes are organisms that obtain nutrients by decomposing dead or decaying organic matter. They typically perform extracellular digestion, where enzymes break down food outside their cells.
- Parasites:
- Parasites live on or inside a host organism and absorb nutrients directly from their host. They do not perform intracellular digestion but rely on their host for nourishment.

3. Identifying the Odd One Out:
- Among the four options, Green Plants stand out as they do not perform any form of digestion (intracellular or extracellular) like the other three. They synthesize their food through photosynthesis, making them fundamentally different from the others.

4. Conclusion:
- Therefore, the odd one out with respect to intracellular digestion is Green Plants.

