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In this chapter, we will learn about reproduction. Students would be able to understand the importance of reproduction, types of reproduction, and the reproductive system. 

What is Reproduction?

Reproduction is a biological process where an offspring is reproduced by an organism that is similar to the organism biologically. Reproduction helps in ensuring the continuity of species generation after generation. So, reproduction means to reproduce, which is the main feature of life on earth. We will now have a detailed study of reproduction so that you can get a clear idea about it.

What are the types of reproduction?

There are two types which are sexual reproduction and asexual reproduction.

Asexual reproduction

In this type of reproduction, a single organism gives rise to a new individual. There is no involvement of the fusion of gametes for which the offsprings that are produced prove to be genetically identical to the parent. It is less diverse in nature when it comes to the organisms which are produced by asexual reproduction.

This mode of reproduction is seen to be practised widely by unicellular organisms. For this process, there is no requirement for a mate, and this process also involves rapid population growth. But at the same time, it makes the organisms susceptible to nutrition deficiencies and diseases. This is because of the lack of genetic diversity that leads to this sort of problem.

Binary Fission

Classification of asexual reproduction

Regarding the classification of asexual reproduction, it is divided into four types:

  1. Binary Fission: In this type of asexual reproduction, the cell gets split into two cells. A copy of the DNA from the parent cell is carried out—for example, amoeba and euglena.

  2. Budding: This type of asexual reproduction gives rise to a new individual like a small bud outgrowth. Until it is fully grown, the outgrowth remains attached to the organism. Another interesting thing is that it gets detached itself as lives as an individual organism—for example, hydra.

  3. Fragmentation: In this process, there is a splitting of the parent organism into several parts where there is a growth of each part into a new individual. It can occur due to the accidental damage by predators—for example, Planaria.

  4. Regeneration: In this form of asexual reproduction, a part of an organism such as arm gets detached from the parent body. So, it is considered to be a modified form of fragmentation. It is mostly seen to occur in Echinoderms. The part of an organ grows into a completely new individual, this process is known as regeneration.

  5. Sporogenesis: This type of asexual reproduction leads to the growth of a new organism from the pores. It can spread through animals and wind that does not require any sort of fertilization.

Sexual Reproduction

Sexual reproduction is the process where there is an involvement in the production of an offspring by the fusion of both male and female gametes. It is by the same individual or by the different individuals of the opposite sex that these gametes are formed. When it comes to the comparison with asexual reproduction, this process is slow as well as complex. The organisms which are produced are genetically diverse. So, with the changing climatic conditions, they can evolve with it in the best way. Sexual mode of reproduction is exhibited by humans and many multicellular organisms.

humans and many multicellular organisms

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Reproduction in plants

Reproduction in plants involves both sexual and asexual means. The main mode of plant reproduction is vegetative reproduction. Vegetative propagation is undergone by roots like stem tuber, corm, stolon, and rhizomes. It is through pollination that the sexual reproduction in plants takes place. Here the transferring of the pollen grains from the anther of a male flower takes place to the stigma of the female flower. There are also some plants that produce seed without the use of fertilization in which the process is known as apomixis. Here new seeds are formed by the ovule or the ovary.

Reproduction in plants

Reproduction in Animals

Regarding the reproduction in animals, it is done both sexually and asexually. When it comes to sexual reproduction, there is seen the involvement of the fusion of the male and female gametes. It is called fertilization which can be either internal as well as external. In internal fertilization, it is inside the body of the female that the fusion of male and female gametes takes place. There are three ways by which offsprings are produced by this particular means of fertilization which are:

  1. Oviparity:  It is located outside the body of the female, here the fertilized eggs are laid, and the nourishment is received from the yolk.

  2. Ovoviviparity: Here it is in the female’s body that the fertilized eggs are retained where they receive nourishment from the yolk. The eggs are laid right before they are ready to hatch.

  3. Viviparity: In this case, instead of hatching from the eggs, the offsprings are born directly. Here, the nutrition is received from the mother. Mammals are seen to have this type of fertilization.

On the other hand, in the external fertilization, the female egg is fertilized by the male sperm outside the female’s body.

In asexual reproduction, there is an involvement of the reproduction processes like budding, binary fission, fragmentation, etc. There is no reproductive system in the organisms for which there is no formation of male as well as female gametes. 

Reproductive organs

The reproductive organs of the male comprise of sperm ducts, a pair of testes and a penis. Here, the testes produce the sperms. The structure of sperm is very small when it comes to its size.  It has a head along with a middle piece and a tail.

The reproductive organs of the female comprise of oviducts, a pair of ovaries, and the uterus. Here the ovaries produce the eggs (ova). It is in the uterus that the development of the baby takes place. Every month there is a release of a mature egg into the oviduct.

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