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Sketch an Amoeba in the space below and label your sketch.

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Step-by-Step Solution to Sketch an Amoeba

1. Draw the Outline: Start by sketching an irregular shape to represent the amoeba. Remember, amoebas do not have a fixed shape; they can change their form. Use wavy lines to depict this.

2. Add Pseudopodia: Extend some parts of the outline to create pseudopodia. These are temporary projections that amoebas use for movement and feeding. Make them look like finger-like extensions from the main body.

3. Draw the Plasma Membrane: Outline the entire shape with a thin line to represent the plasma membrane, which encloses the amoeba's contents.

4. Sketch the Cytoplasm: Inside the outline, shade lightly to indicate the cytoplasm. This is the gel-like substance where all the organelles are suspended.

5. Add the Nucleus: Draw a circular shape inside the amoeba to represent the nucleus. This is typically located in the central part of the cell.

6. Include the Contractile Vacuole: Draw a small oval shape near the nucleus to represent the contractile vacuole. This organelle helps regulate the osmotic pressure of the amoeba.

7. Draw Food Vacuoles: Add a few small circular shapes within the cytoplasm to represent food vacuoles, where the amoeba stores its food.

8. Label the Parts: Write labels next to each part of your sketch:
- "Pseudopodia"
- "Plasma Membrane"
- "Cytoplasm"
- "Nucleus"
- "Contractile Vacuole"
- "Food Vacuoles"
