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What are floating ribs? Why are they called so?

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Definition of Floating Ribs:
Floating ribs are the last two pairs of ribs in the human ribcage, specifically the 11th and 12th pairs.

2. Attachment to the Sternum:
Unlike other ribs, floating ribs do not attach directly to the breastbone (sternum). Instead, they are only attached to the vertebrae at the back.

3. Reason for the Name:
They are called "floating ribs" because they are not connected to the sternum, giving them the appearance of floating in the body.

4. Total Number of Ribs:
Humans have a total of 12 pairs of ribs. Out of these, 10 pairs are connected to the sternum, while the last two pairs (the floating ribs) are not.

5. Conclusion:
Therefore, floating ribs are the 11th and 12th pairs of ribs that do not connect to the sternum, which is why they are referred to as floating ribs.

