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What are the characteristic features possessed by flowers in which the pollination is carried out by air?

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Definition of Anemophilous Flowers:
- Flowers that rely on air (wind) for pollination are known as anemophilous flowers. Understanding this term is crucial as it sets the context for the characteristics we will discuss.

2. Size and Fragrance:
- Anemophilous flowers are typically small in size and lack fragrance. This is because they do not attract pollinators like insects, which are usually drawn to larger, fragrant flowers.

3. Nectar Production:
- These flowers do not produce nectar. Nectar is a sweet substance that attracts pollinators, and since anemophilous flowers depend on wind for pollination, they do not need to attract insects.

4. Pollen Grain Characteristics:
- Anemophilous flowers produce a large quantity of pollen grains. This is necessary because the wind may not always effectively carry the pollen to the stigma of another flower, so a higher quantity increases the chances of successful pollination.

5. Weight and Texture of Pollen Grains:
- The pollen grains of anemophilous flowers are typically light and dry. This characteristic allows them to be easily carried by the wind over distances, facilitating the pollination process.

Summary of Characteristics:
- Small size
- Lack of fragrance
- No nectar production
- Large quantity of pollen grains
- Light and dry pollen grains
