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What are the functions of the following:

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Definition of Oviducts: Oviducts, also known as fallopian tubes in humans, are a pair of tubes that connect the ovaries to the uterus. They play a crucial role in the reproductive system.

2. Structure of Oviducts: The oviducts consist of four main parts:
- Infundibulum: The funnel-shaped end that captures the egg released from the ovary.
- Ampulla: The wider section where fertilization typically occurs.
- Isthmus: The narrow portion that connects the ampulla to the uterus.

3. Transport of the Egg: After the egg is released from the ovary during ovulation, it enters the oviduct. The movement of the egg through the oviduct is facilitated by:
- Cilia: Tiny hair-like structures lining the oviducts that help in moving the egg towards the uterus.

4. Fertilization: The ampullary-isthmic junction is the site where fertilization usually occurs. When sperm travels through the female reproductive tract, it can meet the egg here, leading to fertilization.

5. Conclusion: The primary functions of the oviducts are to transport the egg from the ovary to the uterus and to provide a site for fertilization.
