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What are the plastids? Discuss three types of plastids with their functions.

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Step-by-Step Solution:

Step 1: Definition of Plastids
Plastids are double membrane-bound organelles found in plant cells. They are essential for various functions, including storage and photosynthesis.

Step 2: Types of Plastids
There are three main types of plastids:
1. Leucoplasts
2. Chromoplasts
3. Chloroplasts

Step 3: Leucoplasts
- Definition: Leucoplasts are colorless plastids primarily involved in storage.
- Subtypes:
- Amyloplast: Stores carbohydrates (starch).
- Alluroplast: Stores proteins.
- Elioplast: Stores fats and oils.

Step 4: Chromoplasts
- Definition: Chromoplasts are colorful plastids that contain various pigments.
- Function: They provide color to flowers and fruits, attracting pollinators and aiding in seed dispersal.

Step 5: Chloroplasts
- Definition: Chloroplasts are green plastids that contain chlorophyll.
- Function: They are crucial for photosynthesis, allowing plants to convert sunlight into energy and produce food.

Plastids are vital organelles in plant cells, with three main types: leucoplasts (for storage), chromoplasts (for color), and chloroplasts (for photosynthesis). Each type plays a unique role in the plant's life processes.
