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What are the three types of struggle for existence?

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Step-by-Step Text Solution:

1. Identify the Concept: The question asks about the three types of struggle for existence that organisms face.

2. Define Intraspecific Struggle: The first type is called intraspecific struggle, which refers to the competition among individuals of the same species for resources such as food, mates, and territory.

3. Define Interspecific Struggle: The second type is interspecific struggle, which involves competition between individuals of different species for similar resources, leading to interactions such as predation, competition, and symbiosis.

4. Define Environmental Struggle: The third type is environmental struggle, which encompasses the challenges posed by the environment, including climate, habitat destruction, and availability of resources that affect the survival of organisms.

5. Summarize the Types: Therefore, the three types of struggle for existence are intraspecific struggle, interspecific struggle, and environmental struggle.

Final Answer: The three types of struggle for existence are intraspecific struggle, interspecific struggle, and environmental struggle.

