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What do you mean by survival of the fittest postulate of darwinism?

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Step-by-Step Text Solution:

1. Definition of Survival of the Fittest: The term "survival of the fittest" is a phrase often associated with Charles Darwin's theory of evolution. It refers to the idea that in nature, individuals that are better adapted to their environment are more likely to survive and reproduce.

2. Adaptation to Environment: The concept emphasizes that organisms must adapt to their surroundings. Those individuals who can adjust to environmental changes are more likely to thrive and continue their lineage.

3. Example of COVID-19: A contemporary example is the COVID-19 pandemic. The virus emerged suddenly, and individuals who had traits that allowed them to resist or recover from the illness were more likely to survive. This illustrates how certain traits can confer advantages in survival.

4. Passing on Traits: The individuals who survive due to their advantageous traits can pass these traits on to future generations. This genetic transmission ensures that the traits that aid survival become more common in the population over time.

5. Natural Selection: The process of "survival of the fittest" is a key mechanism of natural selection. It explains how species evolve over time, as those who cannot adapt to changing conditions may eventually become extinct.

6. Conclusion: In summary, "survival of the fittest" encapsulates the idea that adaptability to environmental changes is crucial for survival and reproduction, leading to the evolution of species.

