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What do you meant by Forest Conversation Act?

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Text Solution
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Step-by-Step Text Solution:

1. Introduction to the Forest Conservation Act: The Forest Conservation Act is a significant legislation in India that was enacted in 1980. It was initiated by the Parliament of India to address the urgent need for forest protection and conservation.

2. Objective of the Act: The primary objective of the Forest Conservation Act is to ensure the protection of all forests in India. This includes preventing deforestation and promoting the sustainable management of forest resources.

3. Key Provisions: Under this Act, several important provisions were established:
- Prohibition of Deforestation: The Act prohibits the cutting down of trees in forest areas without prior approval from the government. This helps in maintaining the ecological balance and preserving biodiversity.
- No Hunting: The Act also prohibits hunting in forest areas, ensuring the protection of wildlife and their habitats.
- Promotion of Plantation: The Act encourages the planting of trees and herbs to enhance forest cover and maintain the viability of forest land.

4. Restrictions on Activities: The Forest Conservation Act restricts activities such as farming and agricultural work in designated forest areas. This is to prevent degradation of forest land and to promote conservation efforts.

5. Conclusion: Overall, the Forest Conservation Act of 1980 plays a crucial role in the protection of forests in India, ensuring that they are conserved for future generations while also promoting sustainable practices.

