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What happens when the following parts of the brain are damaged due to injury?

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding the Cerebrum's Function: The cerebrum is the largest part of the brain and is responsible for various functions including thinking, reasoning, problem-solving, and memory. It also controls voluntary movements and processes sensory information.

2. Effects of Damage to the Cerebrum: When the cerebrum is damaged due to injury, several cognitive and physical abilities can be affected.

3. Loss of Thinking Ability: One of the primary consequences of cerebrum damage is the loss of the ability to think clearly. This includes difficulties in reasoning and problem-solving.

4. Impaired Decision-Making: Individuals may struggle to make decisions or analyze situations effectively due to the impairment in cognitive functions.

5. Memory Loss: Long-term memory is particularly affected. A person may have trouble recalling past experiences or learned information, leading to significant memory loss.

6. Impact on Voluntary Movements: Damage to specific areas of the cerebrum can also affect voluntary muscle movements, leading to coordination problems.

7. Overall Cognitive Decline: The overall cognitive abilities of the individual may decline, affecting their ability to perform daily tasks and interact socially.

Final Summary: Damage to the cerebrum can lead to loss of thinking ability, impaired decision-making, significant memory loss, and issues with voluntary movements, ultimately resulting in a decline in overall cognitive function.

